Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Painting, dinner and reading

 My chalkboard cupboard project is not quite done yet but here is a couple of pics while you are waiting!
 I am actually loving this one now too! haha!
 Green Apple paint YUM!
 the other one is Heirloom White.
 The chalkboard paint takes a little while to dry, and I have been sanding in between layers, I may need to get the spray on kind.
 I received the BEST thing today in the mail from my best friend Kari! Thank you soooo much Kari! Have you seen these? I wish I would have had one when I was doing all my traveling! It holds the VIA packages of coffee IN it!
 See?! Very clever, thank you again Kari!
 I am craving BBQ beef sliders... so I am going to attempt to make a healthy recipe for them. I have  a little roast in the crockpot with some red wine. I will let it cook for a few hours then drain the wine out and add some homemade bbq sauce using agave and shred the meat.
 When done I will place them on these whole grain dinner rolls and serve with homemade healthy coleslaw! If it tastes okay I will post my recipes=D
In the meantime... I am on the final book and cannot put it down, so it may be a reading day! haha! I stayed up WAY too late last night reading ;)

Hope you have a great Tuesday!

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