This house is obviously owned by an artist! Oh my gosh, it is fabulous! This is only one of the outdoor rooms. Come on take a peek inside....
Wouldn't you love to sit here and read in the evening or late afternoon, or morning! Notice the mirror, hmm mmm going to use that idea. I think the only thing missing is a chandelier. Oh ya, and as my friend Tandy pointed out, a bathtub!
One of many places to sit for a meal or snack.
Love the pots of the fence.
Whimsy is ALL over the place in this house! See the cement leaves.... I want to try to make one or two....
Basket of plants, with a little blue bunny peeking out. The was a very shaded garden, but lots of color was used, interesting to see if I can incorporate that in my yard too!
Love the little copper kettle filled with plants too, sitting on a child's chair.
Love the bits of china in the stepping stones.
I {heart} Hydrangea's! :)
Oh. My. Gosh. Don't you just LOVE it! Another outdoor room. Notice the doors?
Have you ever seen a cuter umbrella?How fun are those beads!
Fun gecko pavers.
This is a mural on the wall in the outdoor room with the white chaise lounge, more bits of china, pottery and gold paint, and a mirror. This artist paints and does a lot with glass.
Another picture of the umbrella and the chair underneath it.
This is the kitchen, how fun to have a kitchen that opens into such a great yard!
The mural on the bottom cabinets in the kitchen. Beautiful!
This path and bridge led us to the studio, bunny yard and dove houses. Notice the painting on the side of the house? And the mermaid hanging from the vine?
Closer view of the studio, too many people to take a picture, again!
Another place to eat, drink, visit, relax..... interesting choice in fabric, don't know that I would use something that flashy?
And lastly, the water feature. Oh wait.... I need to show you the arbor for this house....
Isn't it interesting....
Hope you enjoyed my tour of gardens!
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