Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Dinner

I mentioned in an earlier post I was preparing for a family reunion on my moms side of the family. Everyone is here and we are having a great time! I am warning you now, PICTURE overload the next few days. Also, I may not post for a few days after my surgery on Wednesday, but will post when I can. Okay, on to the details of my post.... This is the tags I put on each of the Welcome baskets I did for each "couple".
I included a jar of strawberry jam, and raspberry jam, zucchini bread, sparkling lemonade from Trader Joes, (so nummy) some chocolate seashells, and a picture frame.
A pic of one of the completed baskets.
The blackberry pie I baked for dessert. After our pizza dinner.
A pic of the raspberry creme pie I had to make in an 9x13 pan since I miss place one of my pie pans, I think it turned out okay though (I was good and didn't have any, I'd rather have Starbucks ;))
A pic of everyone eating and chatting on the patio.
Unfortunately, my step dad did not make his flight so he did not arrive until late in the evening. We missed you Don, but are glad you are here now!

A good time was had by all! I'll be back with a post of our walk on the beach, and the hubby buzzing us with my BIL flying the plane and my SIL and niece in the back seat! Oh and the sunset, gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by!

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