Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day 2009!

Happy Mothers Day! This is how my Mothers day started..... as you know I have not had a Vanilla no foam Latte in over 3 weeks! So I decided it wouldn't hurt to have one today, with a cranberry orange scone. We will work in the yard today, so I think it will be okay, from what I've read. I've lost 6 pounds so far and have pretty much cut all sugar (of any kind) out of my eating and no white flour, thank goodness for Trader Joes!
These beauties showed up on my door step last night.... they came from the kids. So pretty, I love them, the kids too ;)

Happy Mothers Day to my mom, she taught me how to be a great mom, well person really. She is very fun, caring and creative, and I want to be just like her! Thanks mom, I love you.
And Happy Mothers Day to my mom- in- law! I am so lucky to have a wonderful mom-in-law, she too is fun, caring and creative! You raised a wonderful son. We love you Jeanne!

And again Happy Birthday to my sis Becky!

Hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day! 

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