Sunday, July 26, 2009

Koko gets in trouble and a haircut.

Sorry this picture did not turn out very clear... glass is hard to photograph! I love how it turned out IRL... I hope Genna and Justin like it too.
Koko received her first grooming from the professionals. 
This is what she looked like before. Big improvement! She has been so hot, with our hot temperatures this week, she should be more comfortable now.
Look what is in season! Yummy, we bought them from the stand down the street for $3.50. The Rainer's are so good!
This is what I came home to yesterday after going to Fairhaven to buy cookie cutters. There is a childproof lock on that cupboard. The garbage was in that cupboard when I left. She was in very BIG trouble and she knew it. Luckily, I hadn't mopped the floor or vacuumed yet. Usually on the weekend I take her with me, but it has just been too hot for that this year. 

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