I made several of these a couple years ago, I had three left so I made those up too! It has days 25-1. The size is 4x51/2.
I had seen these last year at Treasury and bought everything to make them, but ran out of time last year. These are made with the flat glass ornaments, silver snowman stickers, rhinestone's and ribbon. I filled them with Epsom salt and glitter. They are very pretty in real life.
I made a set of four, and have four more to finish tomorrow.
Made another Love Lives Here frame. Another one of my favorites! I didn't use any buttons on this one just the flowers with the pearl in the center. I will be back with a post tomorrow showing some candles I decorated using the Epsom salts, put on a Dollar Tree silver tray, and added some bits and pieces. I will finish up my Christmas tags and show how I wrapped my presents this year! Hope you'll come back.....